We use cookies to collect statistics that can help improve the user experience.

Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs various functions such as. to recognize you when you return to our website.

You can also choose to adjust your cookie settings using the top tabs on this page.

Read about the GDPR rules here

General information about the use of cookies on this website.

By using this website you agree to the use of cookies at the same time.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files stored in your browser that allow us to see that your computer, smartphone, iPad or similar has visited this website.
These cookies have different purposes and can be used, for example, to remember preferences and keep statistics of visitors to this website.

Overview of the website’s use of cookies.

Required cookies.
Certain types of cookies are required to deliver e.g. services that you have requested. For example, it could be a customer login.

Cookies for your preferences.
These types of cookies should ensure that you get the best possible experience from our website. Cookies remember your navigation on the page, box selections and the like. None of this information can personally identify you.

Cookies for optimization and operation.
These types of cookies are used, for example, to collect statistics about traffic to and from the website. Only to a limited extent can this data identify you as a user. However, this data is not stored or used and we do not share this data with any third party.

The data is used in connection with the use of Google Analytics, Meta Traffic or other types of analysis programs. This information goes to servers that can be located in Denmark and abroad. You can opt out of cookies from Google Analytics here

How to decline cookies.
By changing the settings in your browser, you can reject cookies on your computer. How you change the settings in your browser depends on which browser you are using. If you choose to set your browser so that you do not receive cookies, please be aware that you may miss features and the like on the website, which will not work.

How to delete your cookies.
If you have previously accepted cookies, these can also be deleted again. This is done in the settings of your web browser.

Remove cookie files in browsers:
Microsoft Edge: CLICK HERE
Internet Explorer: CLICK HERE
Flash cookies: CLICK HERE
Apple produkter: CLICK HERE

Cookie settings